Congratulations to Anna Dumitskaya, graduate student of the ICEF
Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy Foundation summed up the results of the Competition for the best graduate thesis in economics in 2020 among the graduates of economic higher education institutions and economic faculties of Russia's higher education institutions
Pre-defense of the dissertation «Social Status and Information Transmission in Experimental Games» by Oxana Bondarenko
The pre-defense of the dissertation took place on January, 21 in Zoom

Сongratulations to Alexis Belianin as new President-Elect of SABE!
The Head of the International Laboratory for Experimental and Behavioural Economics became president of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics for two years
IV Congress of the Russian Economic Association
Dr. Belyanin and Dr. Suvorov acted as organizers of the thematic conference of the congress on behavioral and experimental economics

"Games in Experiments"
Lecture by Dr. Heike Hennig-Schmidt, Chief Researcher of the International Laboratory for Experimental and Behavioral Economics
Workshop "Causality in the Social Sciences II
Laboratory emploee Grigory Chernov took part in the workshop "Causality in the Social Sciences II
SABE 2020 International Conference is over
Annual Conference SABE 2020 on Behavioral Economics hosted by the International Laboratory for Experimental and Behavioural Economics on 22-26 July, is over

New paper by Heike Hennig-Schmidt in the European Economics Review
Heike Hennig-Schmidt published a paper in the European Economics Review on "Are patient-regarding preferences stable? Evidence from a laboratory experiment with physicians and medical students from different countries"
Vibrant Subfield of Experimental Economics Continues to Grow at HSE
On November 6, the International Laboratory for Experimental and Behavioural Economics at HSE University hosted the international conference, Experimental Economics in Russia – 2019. Laboratory Head Alexis Belianin spoke with HSE News Service about what experimental economics is and why it is a particularly dynamic area of research for scholars of economics.