Mini-lecture in memory of Daniel Kahneman, psychologist and one of the founders of behavioral economics
The YouTube channel of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Higher School of Economics contains a recording of a mini-lecture by the head of the International Laboratory of Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Scientific Director of the specialization of the master's program "Economics and Economic Policy" (group "Behavioral Economics") Belyanin A.V. about Daniel Kahneman's contribution to the development of economic theory.
On March 27, the world-famous scientist, the author of the bestseller "Think slowly... decide quickly" Daniel Kahneman is a psychologist who has managed to change economics.He was one of the founders of behavioral economics, the author of the perspective theory, which describes decision-making in conditions of uncertainty and risk.Daniel Kahneman argued that people, influenced by recent events, tend to make irrational decisions. Also, according to his theory, by sharing feelings with each other, people begin to make the same mistakes. Making mistakes, which was considered a consequence of emotions before Kahneman's research, the scientist explained by the very mechanism of people's thinking.
The mini-lecture is available at the link: Даниэль Канеман - психолог, изменивший экономическую науку - YouTube