Workshop "Diving into oTree, the software for online experiments"
This is a one-day in-house workshop hosted by The International Laboratory for Experimental and Behavioural Economics and run by the Lab’s member Philipp Chapkovski.
It was aimed at participants who have vested interest in experimental methods in social sciences, and some degree of experience with z-Tree, or oTree or other experimental platforms, but who were eager to know more about the internal mechanisms that oTree is running on.
During the workshop the class-based views that oTree uses to render HTML pages were discussed, as well as the database structure necessary for oTree, and the way how to extend it. We also briefly covered the ways how to go beyond standard oTree capacities, such as abstract classes, and how to write additional methods.
For a well-documented code of the two basic games, the workshop participants have been working on see the link here.
For more information see the link.