"Perceptions, Prejudices and Partitions: Conceptual and Methodological Implications of Corporate Isolation and Exclusion"
Heike Hennig-Schmidt was invited to give a talk on 5TH GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY in the Session "Perceptions, Prejudices and Partitions: Conceptual and Methodological Implications of Corporate Isolation and Exclusion" at the Global Conference on Economic Geography, Cologne, July 24-28, 2018.
Title of presentation: In wrong anticipation – Un-calibrated beliefs between Germans, Israelis, and Palestinians.
Joint work with Sebastian Goerg, Gari Walkowitz and Eyal Winter.
Detailed programme: https://www.gceg2018.com/fileadmin/GCEG2018/PDF/018_GCEG_DINA5_Programheft_final_web.pdf