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IV International Pacific School-Conference on Experimental Economics

Event ended

The International Laboratory of Experimental and Behavioural Economics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics invites you to participate in the IV International Pacific School-Conference on Experimental Economics organised by the Research Laboratory of Modelling of Socio-Economic Processes of FEFU.

Undergraduate and graduate students, postgraduate students, and a wide range of young scientists who wish to acquire knowledge and skills in experimental and behavioural economics and data analysis are invited to participate.
On 19-21 September, as part of the school, participants will have the opportunity to attend lectures on models and methods of experimental economics, behavioural aspects of social interaction, game theory and economic mechanisms.
On 23-24 September, a conference will be held at which leading Russian and foreign experts will present detailed reports with the results of their research.
On 26-27 September at the research seminar, students will be able to present the results of their pilot studies and ideas for future experiments and receive feedback from the School's experts.
Participation in the School is free of charge. Selected non-resident students of the School are also provided with free accommodation in FEFU hotels. Participants' travel expenses to the school venue (Vladivostok) are at the expense of the participants.
Participants of previous years' schools-conferences can take part in the IV School only with ready research projects and/or reports based on the results of already conducted research. The application form and abstracts of the report are accepted until 29 July.
You can apply for participation on the page of the FEFU official website