Third International Pacific School Conference on Experimental Economics
The HSE International Laboratory of Experimental and Behavioral Economics, within the framework of the Mirror Laboratories project, together with the FEFU Research Laboratory for Modeling Socio-Economic Processes, invites you to participate in the III Pacific School Conference on Experimental Economics, which will be held from September 19 to 27, 2023 in Vladivostok on the Pacific coast. The format of the school-conference is in person. It is possible for foreign participants to participate online.
The conference is a platform where researchers will present their work to leading experts in the field of models and methods of experimental economics, behavioral aspects of social interaction, game theory and economic mechanisms.
In addition, participants will listen to lectures from speakers of the Higher School of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University and other leading Russian and foreign universities and academic institutions, as well as present their research ideas at scientific seminars of the school-conference. Participants will take part in the discussion of current research and ideas for experiments.
Participants of the School-conference will have the opportunity to:
- listen to lectures by leading experts on models and methods of experimental and behavioral economics, game theory and theory of economic mechanisms.- get acquainted with the advanced scientific research of the world's best scientists in the field of experimental and behavioral economics.
Participants of the school conferences of previous years can take part in the work of the III school with ready-made research projects and/or reports on the results of already conducted research.
For all questions please contact us by e-mail:
All applications are accepted until July 31.
Main speakers
Belyanin, Alexis Higher School of EconomicsKorgin, Nikolay Institute of Management Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Nesterov, Alexander Higher School of Economics
Filatov, Alexander Far Eastern Federal University
Vartanov, Sergey Far Eastern Federal University